Back in the Saddle

I'm sorry I dropped off the map for a few months there. I was in China, Korea, Japan, and back to China, got on the cargo ship in Shanghai to sail across the Pacific, then got back to the West Coast, making my way south from Seattle through Portland and finally back home to the Bay Area. I had done it - a full circumnavigation of the world without a plane (barring that one trip back to see my grandmother that I talked about in a previous blog post). And boy, was I tired. I had been focusing on this travel/art project every day for 11 months. I had recorded over 1600 sounds and had labeled, cataloged, and written specific notes for all of them. I needed to step away from Headed East for a little while and get my head on straight, focus on building a sense of life and routine here in Oakland.

So I took a few months off, and focused on other things. I've been updating the website and it's now mostly "complete," at least until I start adding soundscapes that I've created. You can poke around the sounds page a bit if you like - that and the bed journal are probably my two favorite parts of the website.

I'm mostly writing to let you all know that my first performance of anything related to Headed East is happening next Saturday, December 8th at 7:30pm (doors at 7) at a performance salon called Show and Tell. It's located at 1221 The Alameda in Berkeley, near Monterey Market and Chez Panisse. I'm going to be combining some soundscaping and some original songs that I was writing while traveling to try to create a more holistic look at the internal/external of my experience at beginning, middle, and end. I hope to see you there! For those of you who I met in the far reaches of the globe, hopefully I can get someone to record it so I can share it with you all.

More to come!


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